Have you ever wondered what this song is about? I bet you haven't.
wtorek, lipca 24, 2012
niedziela, kwietnia 22, 2012
sobota, kwietnia 14, 2012
piątek, kwietnia 13, 2012
wtorek, kwietnia 03, 2012
piątek, marca 16, 2012
dwie rzeczy, bez których nie wychodzę z domu
okulary Alain Mikli
tak modny ostatnio okrągły kształt soczewek został tu nieco wydłużony horyzontalnie, poszerzając pole widzenia, ale szczęśliwie nie na tyle, by nosząca okulary osoba straciła z oczu te piękne fioletowe oprawki, które zostały wykonane z najwyższą dbałością o szczegóły i komfort okularników
zegarek SnapWatch
minimalistyczna forma, która przemawia właściwie samym kolorem; zegarek niestety nie jest wodoodporny i nie pokazuje, która jest aktualnie godzina na Księżycu, ale za to jest bardzo wygodny, praktyczny i tani a dodatkowo sposób w jaki się go zakłada poprawia wszystkich wokół humor
sobota, marca 10, 2012
czwartek, marca 08, 2012
warszawa mówić potrafi
Warszawa mówi. Szkoda tylko, że wciąż głównie głosami duchów z przeszłości, których jest tu pełno. I żeby była jasność, ja absolutnie nie jestem za tym, aby duchom odbierać prawo głosu. Wręcz przeciwnie. Ale jakieś proporcje zachować należy. Dzisiejsza Warszawa ma całkiem sporo do powiedzenia a czasem nawet wykrzyczenia, tylko trzeba dać jej szansę, stworzyć przestrzeń czy wydać książkę taką, jak wielogłosowa powieść "Mówi Warszawa", której sam pomysł zachwycił mnie z miejsca (a dokładnie na przystanku autobusowym gdzie trafiłem na promujący ją plakat). Ale właśnie, pomysł pomysłem, a ze wspomnianym brakiem proporcji jest tradycyjnie problem. I z tym wiąże się mój niewielki zawód. Piszę niewielki bo generalnie liczy się tu pomysł a i samą książkę czyta się świetnie (idealnie nadaje się do autobusu, tramwaju czy metra). Teksty (a jest ich w sumie 21 bo w projekcie zgodziło się wziąć udział 21 autorów-Warszawiaków) są na tyle krótkie, że nawet jak trafiamy na jakiś słabszy, to szybko o nim zapominamy zagłębiając się w kolejny i w sumie nie wychodzimy na tym źle, bo jest tu kilka popisowych numerów.
Dodatkowo w moim przypadku lektura tej książki sprowokowała refleksję nad tym, czym jest dla mnie to miasto. Mieszkam tu już (może zaledwie) 10 lat i jest to mój dom, moje miejsce na Ziemi, "moje miasto". Z wieloma zakątkami jestem związany emocjonalnie, a z niektórymi już nawet sentymentalnie, wiele nowych odkrywam dopiero teraz. Coraz częściej i uważniej rozglądam się wokół siebie - w autobusie zamykam książkę, żeby pogapić się przez okno, zdarza się, że specjalnie wydłużam trasę. Z równą przyjemnością podziwiam piękno i brzydotę, które tutaj jak chyba nigdzie indziej koegzystują w zupełnej zgodzie. Deklarację "nie lubię Warszawy" odbieram jako policzek, choć jednocześnie jeśli towarzyszą jej jakieś racjonalne argumenty, staram się być wyrozumiały.
Kiedy rok temu wymieniałem kartę miejską i Pani w okienku zaproponowała mi kilka dostępnych wzorów, wśród których był ten z błękitnym niebem, po którym wędrują chmurki w kształcie serca oraz napis "Kocham Warszawę", nie wahałem się ani chwili.
Po książkę sięgnąć należy koniecznie, jeśli nie z miłości do Warszawy to choćby po to, żeby porównać sobie jak do tego samego zadania podeszli pisarze tak różni jak Jacek Dehnel i Sylwia Chutnik (ich teksty notabene umieszczone zostały w książce po sąsiedzku) i wyciągnąć z tego wnioski. Ja wyciągnąłem, choć uczciwie muszę przyznać, że opowiadanie Dehnela czytało mi się z przyjemnością i tym lepiej rozumiem ogólny zachwyt nad jego twórczością (wliczając samozachwyt autora, który i w tym przypadku jest bardzo czytelny).
środa, marca 07, 2012
I told you, didn't I
Quite possibly Stella McCartney reads this blog or at least she saw accidentally this or maybe (carrying away completely with making conjectures) she was celebrating New Year's Eve in London next to me. Just maybe.
But it's official now. Blue is back and somehow (=being embossed) is making its appearance in more multidimensional way than ever before in the latest Stella McCartney's collection just showed in Paris.
Some adjectives spring to mind easily and naturally (as always in Stella's case): wearable, comfortable, modern, urban, cool, laid-back and and at the same time chic. And definitely the main strength of this particular collection (but also of the label) is built up around these adjectives. But for me personally the most important observation to make is that you don't need to dig in deeply throughout the collection to find beautiful pieces you can wear in broad daylight without any fear that you might be consider as someone who's trying too hard. The only purpose of the show is to serve these clothes nicely. Natural make-up broken subtly by deep blue hue of the eyelashes and simple hair-do of the models support the purpose strictly. Thanks to that you don't have to use your imagination to see how it would look on the street (Stella used her imagination to give you that picture) and I would say it's rather rare and refreshing these days. As a result we get the collection which creates immediate and very strong craving for the clothes it delivers. Fortunately for Stella that's exactly what this business is all about.

More photos as usual here.
The hot news when it comes to Stella is that she was asked to design the outfits for British Olympic team which proposal she accepted as a great honour. Watching the last section of her latest collection and having this hot news in mind I'm so disappointed that some female tennis players aren't British.
Below my latest music discovery - somehow "related" to what I wrote above;-)
in english,
men fashion,
niedziela, lutego 26, 2012
La vita è così bella!
Ah! per l'ultima volta! | Ah! For the last time! |
Vinci il fascino orribile! | Defeat the terrible fascination! |
La vita è così bella! | Life is so beautiful! |
Abbi di me pietà! | Have pity on me! |
Abbi di Liù pietà! | Have pity on Liù! |
Signore, pietà! | My lord, have pity! |
La vita è così bella! | Life is so beautiful! |
Non perderti così! | Don't waste your life like this! |
Son io che domando pietà! | It is I who ask for pity! |
Nessuno più ascolto! | I am not listening to anyone any longer! |
Io vedo il suo fulgido volto! | I see her shining face! |
La vedo! Mi chiama! Essa è là! | I see her! She calls me! She is there! |
Non posso staccarmi da te! | I cannot be separated from you! |
Non voglio staccarmi da te! | I don't want to be separated from you! |
Signore, pietà, pietà di Liù! | My lord, have pity, have pity on Liù! |
Pietà! | Have pity! |
Afferralo, portalo via! | Grab him, take him away! |
Trattieni quel pazzo furente, | Hold back that raving madman, |
portalo via! | take him away! |
Su, portalo via, quel pazzo! | Come on, take him away, that madman! |
Il tuo perdono chiede costui | He asks your pardon |
che non sorride più! | who smiles no more! |
Pietà! | Have pity! |
Mi getto ai tuoi piedi gemente! | I throw myself at your feet, lamenting! |
Abbi pietà! non voler la mia morte! | Have pity! Do not wish my death! |
Pietà! | Have pity! |
Signore, pietà! | My lord, have pity! |
Folle tu sei! | You're crazy! |
La vita è bella! | Life is beautiful! |
Su, un ultimo sforzo, portiamolo via! | Come on, one last effort, let's take him away! |
Portiamolo via! | Let's take him away! |
Lasciatemi: ho troppo sofferto! | Let go of me; I have suffered too much! |
La gloria m'aspetta laggiù! | Glory awaits me yonder! |
Forza umana non c'è che mi trattenga! | There is no human power that can hold me back! |
Io seguo la mia sorte! | I am following my fate! |
Tu passi su un povero cuore | You are passing over a poor heart |
che sanguina invano per te! | which bleeds for you in vain! |
Nessuno ha mai vinto, nessuno! | No one has ever won, no one! |
Su tutti la spada piombò! | The sword has descended upon all of them! |
Ah! Pietà! | Ah! Have pity! |
Pietà di noi! | Have pity on us! |
Il volto che vedi è illusione! | The face you see is illusion! |
La luce che splende è funesta! | The light which shines is fatal! |
Tu giochi la tua perdizione, | You're gambling with your ruin, |
tu giochi la testa, | you're gambling with your head, |
Son tutto una febbre, son tutto un delirio! | I am all a fever, I am all a delirium! |
Ogni senso è un martirio feroce! | Every sense is a fierce torture! |
Ogni fibra dell'anima ha una voce che grida: | Every fibre of my being has a voice which cries out: |
Mi getto ai tuoi piedi! | I throw myself at your feet! |
non voler la mia morte! | Do not wish my death! |
Se questo suo strazio non basta, | If this anguish of his is not enough, |
signore, noi siamo perduti con te! | my lord, we are lost with you! |
Ah! fuggiamo, signore, fuggiamo! | Ah! Let us flee, my lord, let us flee! |
la morte, c'è l'ombra del boia laggiù! | . . . death, yonder is the shadow of the executioner! |
Tu corri alla rovina! | You're running to your ruin! |
Non giocar la vita! | Don't gamble with your life! |
La fossa già scaviam per te | We're already digging a grave for you |
che vuoi sfidar l'amor! | who want to challenge love! |
Nel buio c'è segnato, ahimè, | In the darkness, alas, is sealed |
il tuo crudel destin! | your cruel fate! |
Turandot! | Turandot! |
La morte! | Death! |
Ah! | Ah! |
Turandot! | Turandot! |
La morte! | Death! |
Ah! | Ah! |
Turandot! | Turandot! |
La morte! | Death! |
Ah! | Ah! |
[batte i tre colpi al gong] | [beats three strokes on the gong] |
E lasciamolo andar! | And let's let him go! |
Inutile è gridar | It's useless to shout |
in sanscritto, in cinese, in lingua mongola! | in Sanskrit, in Chinese, in Mongolian! |
Quando rangola il gong, la morte gongola! | When the gong booms, death gloats! |
La fossa già scaviam per te | We're already digging a grave for you |
che vuoi sfidar l'amor! | who want to challenge love! |
Ah, ah, ah, ah! | Ha, ha, ha, ha! |
[fuggono sghignazzano] | [They run away, laughing scornfully] |
[Il Principe è rimasto estatico ai piedi del gong. Timur e Liù si stringono insieme, disperati.] | [The Prince has remained in ecstasy at the foot of the gong. Timur and Liù draw close together in despair.] |
and the goose bumps guaranteed;-)
in english,
opera and ballet
czwartek, lutego 16, 2012
"you don't just demand respect, you earn it"
After watching this clip I became a bit nostalgic about my finished-just-before-it-really-started career as a teacher. With "Mrs Gillis" as my role model to which I was consistently heading for I remember that from time to time I was acting exactly like "Ms. Virgin-ia Veruka Wobble" experiencing some similar situations. Nevertheless I miss those days and some of my students.
french and saunders,
in english
niedziela, lutego 12, 2012
pass by
Ewa (dla przyjaciół "efcia", nie znosi jak się do niej mówi "Ewo") - team leader projektu w międzynarodowej korporacji, mieszka na "dalekiej Ochocie", w wolnym czasie biega na długie dystanse i kibicuje "jedynemu warszawskiemu klubowi piłkarskiemu", spotkana na ulicy Foksal
Ewa ("efcia" for friends, if you want to become one of them never ever say to her "Ewo") - team leader of the project in the international company, lives in far far end of Ochota (district in Warsaw), in her spare time runs long distances and cheers for "the only Warsaw's football club" , met at Foksal Street
bus or tram?
car with a handsome guy as a driver
Serena or Venus?
the slim one
escalator or lift?
stairs because I'm training for half marathon
ground or top floor?
the top one of course, without neighbours walking on the ceiling, with glorious view from the huge window
boazeria czy tapeta?
opera or ballet?
I'm obliged to say ballet
buttons or zipper?
zipper because it's faster
winter or summer?
I hate winter
autumn or spring?
do or make?
do the laundry and make me feel good
song for today
in english,
piątek, lutego 10, 2012
Warsaw's Baker Street
It seems like we have our own Baker Street here in Warsaw but
literally, with no references whatsoever to Sherlock Holmes or any that
kind of persona as far as I know (by the way: had he ever visited
Warsaw?). Still Senatorska Street, to which I'm referring to, is definitely not one of these streets that
suffer from lack of the references, having quite a history and a bunch
of significant buildings with their own history each. The Great Theatre
is probably on the top of the list (being in fact the greatest one of
them) but you may find all the other here with links to their photos and be very likely surprised how little you
knew about them before (for me it was exceptionally striking because I'm
passing different parts of this street practically every day on the way
to my office).
But it's not what I was going to write about. The thing that I dare to call Senatorska Street our Baker Street is that with newly open bakery shop after quick calculations there are four that kind of shops in the western part of the street. And when I give myself a moment to think I come with the conclusion that actually each one of them has something really special to offer amid wide rang of its high quality baker's good and pastry what sounds very promising for their coexistence in the future.
I will provide you with the details (maybe even with the pics of the specials I mentioned) very soon.
But it's not what I was going to write about. The thing that I dare to call Senatorska Street our Baker Street is that with newly open bakery shop after quick calculations there are four that kind of shops in the western part of the street. And when I give myself a moment to think I come with the conclusion that actually each one of them has something really special to offer amid wide rang of its high quality baker's good and pastry what sounds very promising for their coexistence in the future.
I will provide you with the details (maybe even with the pics of the specials I mentioned) very soon.
in english,
środa, lutego 08, 2012
bold bolder boldest?
Cameron Silver, o którym więcej tutaj, pojawił się ostatnio na LAXART Ball OF Artists Event w Beverly Hills, California ubrany w dwuczęściowy kostium z wiosennej (damskiej!) kolekcji Mary Katrantzou, o której więcej tutaj.
![]() |
Cameron Silver and Mary Katrantzou |
![]() |
Spring 2012 by Mary Katrantzou |
Uczciwie należałoby powiedzieć, że wspomniany kostium po koniecznych przeróbkach i odpowiednim dopasowaniu do sylwetki stał się dość pospolicie wyglądającym (oczywiście mówimy tylko o fasonie) męskim garniturem, tym samym lądując w zupełnie innej "szufladzie" niż prezentowany na pokazie kostium. O ostatecznym efekcie decyduje tu jednak nie fason rzecz jasna, tylko deseń jakim pokryty został materiał. Czy to jednak wystarcza, żeby uznać ten pomysł za odważny? Czy to może wciąż klasyczna elegancja tylko w wersji "wykopana w kosmos"?
Oceniając obiektywnie, odwagi jest tu mało. Całość utrzymana jest w bardzo konwencjonalnej estetyce - kolorki się ładnie komponują, motyw ukwieconej łąki nadaje całości trójwymiarowej głębi, o samym fasonie już mówiłem. Stylizacja wznosi się na nieco inny poziom dzięki muszce projektu Alexisa Mabille, która powinna gryźć się z resztą a jakoś się nie gryzie i to jest bardzo zaskakujące. Widok bezsprzecznie cieszący oczy, ale czy poza wizualnym (silnym) doznaniem jest tu co kontemplować?
Możemy jednak zapomnieć o obiektywizmie w ocenie, gdyż mamy tu do czynienia z facetem, który nie dość, że przebiera się w damskie ciuszki (bo nie wchodząc w szczegóły tak właśnie jest) to jeszcze ma "odwagę" przekroczyć kanoniczną liczbę trzech kolorów w jednym stroju. I co by nie mówić to (nadal/jeszcze) jest jednak jakiś rodzaj odwagi. Ekh...
mary katrantzou,
piątek, lutego 03, 2012
środa, lutego 01, 2012
"tego nie robi się kotu"
Zostałeś uprzedzony
niewysłanym listem.
niewysłanym listem.
Zdążyłeś nie przyjść
w przewidzianej porze.
w przewidzianej porze.
Pociąg wjechał na peron trzeci.
Wysiadło dużo ludzi.
Wysiadło dużo ludzi.
Uchodził w tłumie do wyjścia
Brak mojej osoby.
Brak mojej osoby.
Kilka kobiet zastąpiło mnie
w tym pośpiechu.
w tym pośpiechu.
Do jednej podbiegł
ktoś nie znany mi,
ale ona rozpoznała go
ktoś nie znany mi,
ale ona rozpoznała go
Oboje wymienili
nie nasz pocałunek,
podczas czego zginęła
nie moja walizka.
nie nasz pocałunek,
podczas czego zginęła
nie moja walizka.
Dworzec w mieście N.
dobrze zdał egzamin
z istnienia obiektywnego.
dobrze zdał egzamin
z istnienia obiektywnego.
Całość stała na swoim miejscu.
Szczegóły poruszały się
po wyznaczonych torach.
Szczegóły poruszały się
po wyznaczonych torach.
Odbyło się nawet
umówione spotkanie.
umówione spotkanie.
Poza zasięgiem
naszej obecności.
naszej obecności.
W raju utraconym
Gdzie indziej.
Gdzie indziej.
Jak te słówka dźwięczą.
Wisława Szymborska (1923-2012)
Gdzie indziej.
Jak te słówka dźwięczą.
Wisława Szymborska (1923-2012)
wtorek, stycznia 31, 2012
what's up newbies? (part two)
in english,
louis vuitton,
niedziela, stycznia 29, 2012
"Black swan" remake
This week has been fully packed with figure skating as two major
competitions: European Championships and US Nationals have just ended
today. There were as always ups and downs, kisses and cries, jumps and falls etc. and I must admit that
personally I'm not so into it any more (at least comparing to my state
of mind just a few years ago). Still there were moments to enjoy and
definitely one of them was this adorable performance of newly crowned
US Ladies' Champion - Ashley Wagner.
I always say that great pick of music is at least half of the final success in this sport - judges are people after all - and here music's choice was really great giving all every decent skating performance needs: growing tension, drama and grande finale. It's not enough of course, but if you add some nicely detailed elements to mark that you are actually skating in accordance with this great music you picked, you'll hit the nail right on the head. And she just did it by attaching for example this super original arms' movement during her spiral sequence or performing 'en pointe'-like little steps in the middle of the program.
For me this program seems to be also a bit "from the past" (and for the record I'm mentioning about it as its big advantage) being composed in a way to give the skater some moments to have a deep breath. Under the new judging system it means simply that there are less points to gain so it's quite unusual these days but thanks to that loss you gain something else. I would describe it as a certain glowing lightness (I know how it sounds but this is figure skating vocabulary so just bear it;-) which prevents you from being tired with the performance and helps you truly enjoy it. I'm sure that some judges might still have huge craving for that as well.
EDIT 14/02/2012: Ashley Wagner's lucky star keeps shining as she just won The Four Continents Figure Skating Championships gaining the international recognition with the best score of the season for the female skater and unexpectedly but evidently becoming one of the favourites to grab the world title.
I always say that great pick of music is at least half of the final success in this sport - judges are people after all - and here music's choice was really great giving all every decent skating performance needs: growing tension, drama and grande finale. It's not enough of course, but if you add some nicely detailed elements to mark that you are actually skating in accordance with this great music you picked, you'll hit the nail right on the head. And she just did it by attaching for example this super original arms' movement during her spiral sequence or performing 'en pointe'-like little steps in the middle of the program.
For me this program seems to be also a bit "from the past" (and for the record I'm mentioning about it as its big advantage) being composed in a way to give the skater some moments to have a deep breath. Under the new judging system it means simply that there are less points to gain so it's quite unusual these days but thanks to that loss you gain something else. I would describe it as a certain glowing lightness (I know how it sounds but this is figure skating vocabulary so just bear it;-) which prevents you from being tired with the performance and helps you truly enjoy it. I'm sure that some judges might still have huge craving for that as well.
EDIT 14/02/2012: Ashley Wagner's lucky star keeps shining as she just won The Four Continents Figure Skating Championships gaining the international recognition with the best score of the season for the female skater and unexpectedly but evidently becoming one of the favourites to grab the world title.
Ashley Wagner,
in english,
piątek, stycznia 27, 2012
what's up newbies? (part one)
Remember my article
about two lovely newbies stepping boldly onto the stage? Interested in
getting back in touch with them and checking out how their performances
keep going? I am.
Holly Fulton still stands for extremely original Art Deco-esque patterning but this time (Spring 2012) combined nicely with zebra, checkerboard and oh-so-trendy this season ocean motifs. All this variety of forms was shown off on simple shapes with top-notch miniskirts waving the flag for the brand as one of its trademarks. Fulton also keeps herself on a very high level with the exquisite jewellery she produces and tries to experiment with fabrics - as you might have not noticed the zebra pattern on strapless top (second pic) is actually intarsia knit - the result of special collaboration with a Scottish textile mill.
My affection for the colours she tends to use is widely known.
For some people it might be too much. But even if, this is probably the best possible kind of "too much" you have chance to wear nowadays.
to be continued...
Holly Fulton still stands for extremely original Art Deco-esque patterning but this time (Spring 2012) combined nicely with zebra, checkerboard and oh-so-trendy this season ocean motifs. All this variety of forms was shown off on simple shapes with top-notch miniskirts waving the flag for the brand as one of its trademarks. Fulton also keeps herself on a very high level with the exquisite jewellery she produces and tries to experiment with fabrics - as you might have not noticed the zebra pattern on strapless top (second pic) is actually intarsia knit - the result of special collaboration with a Scottish textile mill.
My affection for the colours she tends to use is widely known.
For some people it might be too much. But even if, this is probably the best possible kind of "too much" you have chance to wear nowadays.
to be continued...
holly fulton,
in english,
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