sobota, lutego 27, 2010

There's new theatre in town

It was Friday (not the last one but the one before the last - I like being specific;-) and it was The Event.
The place is very well located - 4 tram stops from place where I live constantly - in a former cinema Kino Ochota building. I was there only once before, in times the cinema was still working (at least supposed to be working), but the lady in the box-office said to me that she couldn't sell me a ticket for the movie because I was the only person who came to see that movie. She gave me also a piece of a advice for the future: "Next time bring couple of your friends". Of course I (either by myself or with my friends) had never showed up again and when the cinema was announced as officially closed I thought for a minute that it might be partially my fault;-) Well, never mind. Closing the cinema caused opening the theatre and for me it's nothing wrong with that. The more so because the theatre (called Och-teatr) will most likely become one of the main stages in Warsaw.
That Friday there were concert of Marysia Peszek - charismatic, cheerful and liberated singer?, actress?, performer? - probably all of them in one person. I've seen her performing before (couple years ago) in her one-woman-show Miastomania (I'm even proud owner of her CD with songs coming from that show, which she magnanimously signed for me then). Friday's concert was mostly promoting her new CD and her new image as well and actually did that very well;-) Photos below coming from Rafał Nowakowski website.

It was really nice evening in good company - there were some really posh people. Among them this guy:

I attached as always something for listening. It is of course song by Marysia Peszek, but quite special one - song about Warsaw. Enjoy.

1 komentarz:

M pisze...

Sounds like "Thursday?!It CAN'T BE THURSDAY?!"(breakfast at T.)

Good to see you again here and there.

fashion abuse


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